Look what I got today in the mail:
I won these the other day from Sarah at Run, Mommy, Run!
Please check out her blog (linked above) and follow her here on Facebook:
Look what I got today in the mail:
I won these the other day from Sarah at Run, Mommy, Run!
Please check out her blog (linked above) and follow her here on Facebook:
So J recently decided to join the Cub Scouts.
This means we will have camping trips in our future so we decided to go ahead and buy some camping stuff. (We being my Dad and I). We decided we didn’t want to look like total fools in front of a lot of people so we wanted to go out and attempt to set up the tents when nobody was around. So we took an overnight camping trip at a local campground. (This overnight trip happened back in October)
We decided to head up to a local campground, about 3o minutes away. We chose a close, non remote location just in case…. The campground had mostly spots for trailers so trying to find a good tent site (close to the bathroom) for two tents was not an easy task. We finally found this spot and decided to make it work.
Tent #1 (NOT fun to put together)
Tent #2 (aka J’s tent, MUCH simpler to put together)
After we got the tents set up we decided to start a camp fire and had a gourmet dinner of:
Afterwards we had to have S’mores. What kind of camping trip is complete with S’mores?!?!?
For entertainment, once the PSP battery wore out, we brought a birthday present to play with!
Which was fun, until Mom had to go hunt the foam darts amongst all the leaves.
So we decided to play with wrestlers in the tent for a bit.
Eventually it started getting dark so we just hung out around the fire until it was bedtime.
Are you afraid of the dark??
Of course the fire had to be poked several times….
Let me just say, the night was pretty miserable. J and I slept together in the little blue tent. Now I am not a tall person (5’ 4) and I could not stretch out straight. Pair that with a boy with dystonia that can not control his legs and it made for a very interesting, sleepless night.
Someone had a pretty good seat supervised the cleanup the next morning.
Overall we had a good time. Camping with someone with special needs can prove to be challenging because there are just different things to have to think about. The weather, thank goodness, stayed nice. It was cool but it did not rain which made this momma very happy. We definitely will be going again soon. J loved it! (And as long as he had a good time, I had a good time.)