Sunday, November 4, 2012

Let's see if I can do this....

 I am HORRIBLE at follow through.  But I am going to attempt to step out of my normal bounds and attempt this:

(Image is linked)

This means I will have to go to the gym.  (I have access to a free gym at work, well I had to pay $5 for a key).  I really have no excuses.  I will start tomorrow because I didn't bring any work out clothes with me today.  Tomorrow is my day off so it will take some pure motivation for me to get up and come over to my work place and follow through.

Wish me luck!

p.s.  I actually "started" this 4 weeks ago by signing up for the emails but never actually started.
p.p.s I am actually really only following the work out plan 100%.  While I am reading the rest of the plan the work out part is what I am most interested in accomplishing. 

1 comment:

  1. A free gym! Very cool! I would love to have access to something like that. I am currently looking for a new gym myself.
